Be wise like water and adapt, adjust, and appreciate whomever you are with and wherever you are.

— Debasish Mridha

Set the goal, adjust the goal when needed, and stay locked in on the goal.

— Mike Basevic

If you adjust first time, compromise second time, failure is what you will get third time.

— Amit Kalantri

We travel so much, I never adjust to time zones any more.

— Jillian Hervey

Compromise brings harmony to both, happiness to none.

— Amit Kalantri

If you don’t see the images on a screen because people block your view, it is easier to adjust your sitting position than to call for an adjustment of the screen! You need to change yourself!

— Israelmore Ayivor

Circumstances will continue to change. They will not adjust to you; you will have to adjust to them. Circumstances are without inner-intent and you are with inner-intent. To make the circumstances favorable is our job. Unfavorable circumstances are indeed favorable. One feels exhausted going up the stairs, and yet why does he climb them? There is the inner-intent that he will be able to go up; he will be able to take advantage of what is up there; that is why!

— Dada Bhagwan

Be yourself....And make the world adjust!

— Germany Kent

Our abilities to understand, adjust, and change make us wise.

— Debasish Mridha M.D.

A consequence may be the very thing that saves us because it was the only thing loud enough to get our attention.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough