The Big Book’s chapter We Agnostics draws a line in the sand: God either is or He isn’t. What was our choice to be (Alcoholics Anonymous, 53)? Nature abhors a vacuum and a state of nothing can’t exist in either the material or spiritual world. This kind of binary thinking made sense in the autocratic world of 1939. But in a democratic, pluralist society, all-or-nothing thinking is a cognitive distortion—a philosophical assumption that everything is right or wrong, good or evil, superior or inferior. In this millennium, people can hold opposing views and be equals in the same community. Our Traditions, lovingly and tolerantly, make room for more than one truth. That’s a good thing, because the only problem with the truth is that there are so many versions of it.

— Joe C.

One cannot properly drink without self-deception: the lips have to deny the liquor that just passed down the throat. It was surely for the relief of drunkards that the Lord God did not write upon the stone tablets the commandment: thou shalt not lie. The word has to deny the addiction. Among the tribe of alcoholics, lying is a badge of honor - the truth is first an indiscretion, later an affront, and finally a source of despair. If you truly drink, you have to announce to all and sundry that you do not drink; if you admit you drink, that means you do not truly drink. True all-out drinking has to be concealed; anyone who reveals it is giving in, confessing to helplessness, and all that remains for him is weeping, the gnashing of teeth, and the 12 step program.

— Jerzy Pilch

Just as others pray daily, you should think to yourself daily about what you can do to be closer to this Ideal Image. Think: 'What can I do today to make my life better?' 'What can I do to become more like my Ideal Image?

— Bucky Sinister

Cut.Take gazillion an.

— Jessica Hendry Nelson

One day at a time, sweet Jesus. Whoever wrote that one hadn’t a clue. A day is a fuckin’ eternity.

— Roddy Doyle

That which stirs within, slows or quickens, goes deep or dies out. When I speak of spirit, I am not speaking of something related to or given by a force outside ourselves. I am speaking of the force that is ourselves. The experience of living in this world, bound by a body, space, and time, woven into the fabric of human history, human connection and human life. This is the force that feels, and thinks and gives us consciousness at all. It is the deepest, most elemental, most integral part of who we are; it is who we are.

— Marya Hornbacher

Reflecting on this, Albert LaChance recognized an opportunity—what if the work he and so many others found so fruitful in the 12-Step recovery programs could be expanded to an ecological, a global, or even a cosmic level?

— Albert J. LaChance

Do not wait and hope to be discovered...Make yourself so you cannot be denied!

— Jamie McCall

Admitted I was powerless over food,that my life had become uninhabitable.Sure, there are folks who speak of livesunmanageable, but my life was always that!It took more to push me to the admission.I had a Hell Year when I turned 50and it took me another ten to reach the crevice,to fall off the edge, to give up and gowhere a counselor had directed me for years,to the rooms of recovery. I knew she was rightbut I wasn’t broken enough to go. Unmanageable,I could life in. Uninhabitable I couldn’t.I fought it for nigh on sixty yearsbut when I finally couldn’t keep on pretending,continue making do, I found what I needed,what I could finally accept, and soar out of thereto recovery.

— Barbara B. Rollins