Calling a book 'Young Adult' is just a fancy way of saying the book is censored. People used to say they like to read books about romance, true crime, comedy, horror or science fiction. But these days people simply say they like to read 'Young Adult' books. As if that were a topic. But that's the thing: Young Adult is not a topic, it's a level of censorship. Saying 'I like Young Adult books' is just another way of saying 'I like books that have been dumbed down for children. I like books with no big words and no difficult abstract concepts. Nothing that will strain my brain.' People like to brag that they used to start reading at an early age, as if that were a badge of honor, a sign of intelligence. Nobody brags about when they started to watch TV. But books are being dumbed down so much these days, it's really not a sign of great intelligence when you're a grown up and you struggle your way through Green Eggs and Ham.
— Oliver Markus